
What a horrific day.

We got to Roanoke Memorial at about 9:50 this morning for my mother's shoulder surgery. There in the waiting room was the breaking news that there was a shooting at Virginia Tech. At that point it was only 2.

We watched as the events unfolded. I can't tell if it was 2 or 3 or 5 victims that were brought to Memorial. First it was 3, then 2... then 2 more but I don't know if it's the same 2. One of the victims was in anesthesiology with my mother, she'd been shot in the face. My mother, being an old ER nurse listened as the nurses and doctors swarmed to her aid. My mother said that she was so proud of how everyone handled the situation. And that's a high compliment from my mother. My mother prayed for her as she went into surgery.

My biggest problem now is the journalists tearing into the VT president and the police officers. I've heard the exact same information that everyone else has. Maybe more as I've been in front of the TV since 10:00 this morning and I've seen it unfold.

Campus police and administration never make snap decisions - and they usually make cautious ones that don't close school down. 2 hours to inform the entire student body of a possible domestic shooting if the building has been secured is understandable in my opinion. Especially when they were in the midst of questioning a suspect and locking down an elementary school. When we had women getting attacked on campus, it took DAYS to inform the campus and the emails always down-played the incident.

Yes, a shooting is completely different. But it takes time to find things out and they still don't know that the incidents are related. I'm sure that if the President and Chief of the VT Police could, they would go back and change the decisions they made.

This isn't the time, but Monday-morning quarter backing is real easy once all the facts are out. At the time I'm sure no one had any idea this kid was planning to lock himself in an academic building and go on a shooting spree.

Some people are tacky as well - one guy actually called into the radio and said he was a UVA fan but he'd pray for the victims. What was the point of that? And Liberty issuing that statement? Tacky.

My heart and prayers go out to the victims and the victims' friends and family. I still can't believe this has happened. I'm still hoping and waiting to hear that friends and friends' children are okay.


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