
So I don't usually loathe/hate anybody. But over the last few years I've developed a hate for one person. She embodies everything I usually don't like in people and she has managed to perfect each of those characteristics into one horrible personality. She's deceitful, untrustworthy, jealous, and lazy... among other things.

And I can't stand her.

But in reality, can I go out of my way to exclude her from an organization I'm part of/president of? Which I have been. Should I not do that as president of the organization?

I think there's something wrong with us a gender. We don't help other women, really... especially younger women who need the guidance. We may congratulate ourselves on developing organizations that teach young women to be better people but it's all crap. Every one of those organizations is a 7th grade gossip session at it's core.

Okay, maybe there are some, and if there are point me in that direction because the ones I'm a part of suck.


  1. RFB said...

    And what I don’t like in you
    is what I hate about me
    the things that you are
    the way you can be
    cold or just cool with a selfish streak
    man, I see that in me

    And there might be a few
    there might be two or three
    who aren’t quite mirrors
    and you can’t quite see
    shield your eyes or they’ll make you weak
    straining so hard, yeah I see it in me

  2. Thinking In Vain said...

    Yeah, that would be what I'm afraid of.

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