Pringles and Random Musings

The man who designed the Pringles potato chip packaging system was so proud of his accomplishment that a portion of his ashes has been buried in one of the iconic cans.

Yes. This a wonderful invention. But as I sit here eating way too many Barbecue flavored Pringles I realize that this wonderful invention is too small in diameter. I can not effeciently remove the Pringles from their packaging... of course maybe that's the point. You HAVE to pour them out and eat all of them.

Pringles guy is buried in can.


  1. Joker said...

    Please tell me you've never gotten your hand stuck so you look like some maddened Mega-woman shooting pellets at Dr. Wily. lol. True to form though, have to agree, them damn chips have crack on em.

  2. Thinking In Vain said...

    Ha ha, no.

    I tend to pour them out and eat waaay to many. :)

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