Good Friday

Today is going to be a good day.

As I was sleeping peacefully this morning at 6:40 - my phone went off. It was the senior AD. I didn't want to answer. Calls at almost quarter till 7 can't be good calls. She left a message. Then she called again.

I guess it's important. So this time I answer.

Not bad news AT ALL. Turns out they are giving away gas cards on the radio on Friday and they called my name and I had 9 minutes to call back and claim the card.

So I totally won free gas this morning. I think I'll use it on a trip to the beach. I'm going to take the stance that today will only keep getting better. :D


  1. Joker said...

    Free gas? You could have swung by a Taco Bell for that one... wow... that was lame. Sorry ;)

  2. Thinking In Vain said...

    Ha ha. It's $100 worth of free gas. :p

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