
You know what's awesome to hear? "We really can't make a bad decision."



  1. Moda di Magno said...

    Let's diagram that sentence shall we?

    We can't make a bad decision put through the excutive bullshit translation machine reads as follows:

    I can't make a bad decision, but the rest of you can be blamed for the next six months if the decision "you" make goes bad.

  2. Thinking In Vain said...

    Normally I would whole-heartedly agree, but I really think this is good! Promise. :)

    At least I hope so. There are 3 logos that everyone likes but they can't decide on, so they want to get some more feedback on those three. And that comment was kind of in response to that, she said that since they liked all of them so much it didn't matter which one they ended up with, she didn't think they could make a bad decision - then everyone agreed with her.

    At least I hope that's what she meant... I'm going with it for now. :)

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