And It Still Hurts

I dreamt I got punched in the nose last night. This girl punched me hard enough that it broke it. When I woke up it still hurt and I had to double-check whether or not my nose was actually broken.

I was also taking dance from Anjelica Huston. Possibly ballet. But then I couldn't get down the stairs from her third floor studio because they were too steep.

There's a good 4 other scenes in this dream but I can't remember them.


  1. Pancho said...

    Being a dog, I sleep a lot. So I'm no stranger to dreams, believe you me. But I've never dreamt of Angelica Huston. Wouldn't that, in fact, make the dream a nightmare?

  2. Thinking In Vain said...

    It was kind of disturbing, yes. She was all in black... ever heard of The Witches? Looked like she did in that movie. O_o

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