
I have been informed that limes aren't really green - that they are painted. I'm not having luck with Google confirming this bit of trivia.

Anybody know?

Oh, but I did find out that in the late 19th century some industrious lime farmers set out to ruin the lemons reputation - apparently it worked. See here.


  1. anna kate said...

    not according to wikipedia, but apparently they can cure Gout.

  2. czeltic girl said...

    Limes on the tree are green. So unless someone's going around dipping lime trees in green paint, I'd say the person who told you that was incorrect. :)

  3. Thinking In Vain said...

    Yeah, I'd looked on Wikipedia, done numerous Google searches... nothing. Not even a "we inject them with dye to make them greener" type of information.

    My friend had gone on a tour of a lime farm in Florida and in her defense was apparently not really paying attention.

  4. Anonymous said...

    It's true. Key Limes are green, but not green like you see in stores. So they make them greener. I'm not lying. It's on the key lime bag...

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