I got there early and did Hall Duty with my friend, this includes telling the kids not to run and taking their hats. Then homeroom (where we stood and said the Pledge of Allegiance) and then first period.

We had the first class (the AP kids) twice. Once for first period and then for third (2nd period is a planning period for her). It took us a while to settle them down. I told them if they didn't quiet down they'd have to give me their lunch money. They said that was mean. I said they were wasting my time. They said, "oh, good point." No lie.

So I showed them print ads and some commericals - Snickers, Jeep, Cingular, T-Mobile, Burger King, Skittles and Starburst, Viva... oh and the Dairy Queen Flamethrower one.

They sang McDonalds "I'm Lovin' It" for me and they sang the Snickers jingle.

So we talked about those and if they thought the ads made sense and if they worked and who they thought the commercials were marketed to.

*Continues below.


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