Or is it 2 days?
Anyways. Friday I will be talking to 7th graders about advertising. Wish me luck or give me suggestions.
Labels: 7th graders, advertising, teaching
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Or is it 2 days?
Anyways. Friday I will be talking to 7th graders about advertising. Wish me luck or give me suggestions.
Labels: 7th graders, advertising, teaching
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If you want their attention this late in the year, bring candy (sweethearts or tootsie rolls) and give them to whoever asks or answers questions. Good Luck!
Thanks! I'll have to get some candy.
Candy to 7th graders as treats?
Uh...might be insulting.
Well, there's a loaded situation. Ask them if they think, given our epidemic of childhood diabetes and obesity, that advertisers are interested in their welfare. Ask if they judge their friends by the brands with which they associate rather than the actual character and personality of their friends. Ask what they believe more -- commercials or word-of-mouth. Ask if they think advertising should be placed in and on school buses. Just a few thought starters.
And then -- just for research -- I'd ask each one to name the first slogan that pops in their heads. Then sell the research and go on vacation.
Those are awesome suggestions.
I feel a little dumb being this nervous about talking to 7th graders. Then again, I've heard the stories about these kids.
Point out the logos that will be staring you in the face: Abercrombie, Nike, AE, etc. Ask why they bought those. Ask if they are aware that they are now unpaid walking corporate shills (who actualy paid to become such.)
Ask them to name their favorite breakfast icon: Quaker guy, Aunt Jemima, Cream of Wheat guy. Tell them those creations were carefully designed to appeal to their wallets, that they don't exist in real life, and that they'd be better off eating fresh fruit and whole wheat bread for breakfast.
Then tell them all to go to the school counselor (or their pastor/priest/imam/rabbi) to help them uncover the deep longing in their souls that causes them to need to be so cool.
Have fun!
to help them uncover the deep longing in their souls that causes them to need to be so cool
And then a tootsie roll?
Might be a good time at that point to introduce them to alcohol.
They get candy... I get the alcohol. ;)