As I went to lunch I passes one of our client's vans. They're a construction company and had an established identity so I didn't design this van or have anything to do with it.

There, there's my disclaimer.

So on the side of the truck next to their logo and information is the copy, "We could be at your house."

Now I get it, really. They could be at your house fixing it, building an addition, making things pretty.

But doesn't that line also sound a little creepy? Like 'we could be at your house'... stealing your grandmother's jewelry. Or is it just me?

I mean, if I can be told that my colors remind someone of the Florida Gators (it was burnt orange and lime and it was pretty, back off), then I can think the tag line is creepy.

I would've had a picture but I forgot about it after I ate lunch and I probably shouldn't bring attention to myself.


  1. Anonymous said...

    I had the same reaction you did, though I was thinking more of a home invasion. Please take a pic! I'll run it if you don't want to.

  2. Thinking In Vain said...

    I'll try to find the van again... lol.

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