Cockatoo adopts a bowl of Creme Eggs
Like every devoted mother bird, Pippa the silver crested cockatoo is ready to defend her clutch of eggs to the death. Sadly for her, however, they will never hatch. For Pippa has adopted a bowl containing 20 Cadbury's Creme Eggs, which her owner Geoff Grewcock had intended to hand to friends and family over Easter.
Protective: Pippa won't let anyone near her Cadbury's cream eggs. The confused Cockatoo thinks she can hatch them
The 17-year-old bird squawks and flaps whenever anyone approaches. "When I first saw her perched there I thought it was hilarious but now I'm a bit worried about her," he said at his home in Nuneaton, Warwickshire.
Mr Grewcock runs the Warwickshire Wildlife Centre and had kept Pippa there until two years ago when he decided to take her home as a pet.
He added: "She's always been a bit nuts but this is beyond belief. If you try to take one of the eggs she goes absolutely crazy.
"Now I'll have to go and buy some more so that my family have something for Easter Sunday - I'll be keeping the new batch well hidden."
Even Mr Grewcock's 12-year-old niece Megan felt the cockatoo's wrath when she reached for one of the eggs.
"She wouldn't let me have it," said Megan. "She went mad and started making a lot of noise -it made me jump."