"Failure to Launch" was recommended to me for one reason. Because the main character's room mate has a mockingbird outside her window that keeps her up all night.

And she tries to kill it... I can't kill mine. 1) I could never do that and 2) I live in a bird sanctuary.

I don't think I have a mockingbird, in fact I'm now on a mission to find out exactly what kind of bird it is exactly.

My bed is about 4 feet from a very large window... abnormally large on the second floor of my house. Right outside my window is nature's own apartment complex for bird's - a holy bush. Directly beside my window is the roof to our front porch. Birds like to perch there too.

I can not sleep past about 6:00, restfully. And this morning the bird was up extra early about 5.

So far a pillow over my head and a white noise maker at max volume to drown out this little bird has not worked.


  1. Anonymous said...

    Two possible solutions:

    1) Get one of those owl statues that scares birds and place it on the porch roof.

    2) Find a sleep machine with a "jungle" setting and your noisy bird will blend right in.

  2. Thinking In Vain said...

    I'll have to try that. I have a "forest" setting, I'll see if that works.

  3. Anonymous said...

    Mine has a "songbirds" setting. But digital birds are more annoying than the real ones.

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