Rules for Guinness

Provided to me by my friend Gary when I told him I'd never had Guinness:

1. If a pub has guinness on tap, and they fill the glass to the top in one pull, find a new pub (they are serving you muddy water)

2. If a pub has guinness on tap, and they don't have to let the pint settle for at least 2 or 3 minutes, find a new pub (the guinness is watered down)

3. If a pub doesn't have guinness on tap, but has the draught bottles or cans, make sure the bartender pours the guinness IMMEDIATELY after opening said bottle or can.

4. If a pub doesn't have guinness on tap, and doesn't have the draught cans/bottles, but has the extra stout, compliment them on their good taste.

5. If a pub doesn't have guinness on tap, and doesn't have the draught cans/bottles, and doesn't have the extra stout, take a long look in the mirror and ask yourself why you are there in the first place.


  1. RFB said...

    If a beer requires this many rules, it was probably never finished at the brewery.

    And thanks for that jingle stuck in my head below, (comments are disabled I guess.) From the Easterns website, it looks like it was the winner of a contest to "make the next Easterns jingle."

  2. Thinking In Vain said...

    I think I'd need a laminated index card... you shouldn't need that for beer.

    Your welcome. :)

  3. Anonymous said...

    Guinness is Irish, not English...

  4. Anonymous said...

    yeah who ever put something brit related above guinness should be shot

  5. Thinking In Vain said...

    Oh good lord. Aren't you two full of yourselves?

    I believe the image I found originally was an English ad for Guinness... I don't think anyone is going to get confused because of one old (classic) ad.

    The image has nothing to do with the post except that it is a Guinness ad.

  6. Anonymous said...

    If you don’t think this much when it comes to beer, go buy some Budweiser and leave the real beer to the professionals.

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