I Think It's Mad at Me

I've figured out the bird. It's a cardinal. A very loud, fat cardinal.

Of course, I also have a robin, a blue jay (which I thought was a crow), a woodpecker, and these little brown birds that I haven't been able to name yet.

The cardinal is also a bit of a bully, he won't let any of the other birds in the bird bath. He'll chase them all away and then plop himself in the middle and won't move.

So this is what I hear each morning over and over and over again: cardinal song

I did try the forest setting of my noise machine - it worked until I slept with my window open. I think the owl made him very territorial this morning. He was literally sitting on my windowsill "singing."

I even pointed the little guy out to a neighbor walking by and they agreed with me that he was abnormally loud.


  1. Anonymous said...

    Did you take that pic? Also, you might consider earplugs. Too bad I can't give you a link for the "sleep helmet," an aunt mary gift from years past. Or -- give the birdbath open and closed hours by putting a circle of plywood over it until you are awake enough to open the pool to the neighborhod. You gotta get your sleep.

  2. Thinking In Vain said...

    Not that one. I'm still trying to catch him with my camera. When I do, I'll replace that photo. Hopefully I'll get it tonight.

    Unfortunately, the bird bath is in the back and his home (the holly bush) is in the front. I'd like to chop down his home frankly.

    I think I'm going to buy ear plugs tonight.

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