
Frances got flowers yesterday because her husband's in India or somewhere like that.

So my boss went out and bought some for her desk and put one on my desk so I wouldn't feel left out. And that is why I feel horrible when I complain. Because I shouldn't.

Although, in other news, she gave the paper a new one about the ad. Turns out it wasn't due Tuesday, it was due Thursday like we all originally believed. I like it when things aren't my fault.

We also gave flowers to Carter (the GE guy, and yes... that GE guy) because he's having surgery on his knee today. Frances did it.

For those that don't know we now share our offices with GE sales reps (who now own the building). We're renting until the new building gets finished... sometime this millennia. Troy is the owner of the business and he likes to give me a hard time (who doesn't?).

So this is the conversation we just had – which we, of course, yelled across the hallway to each other.

Troy: That was nice of you to give Carter flowers.
Me: Huh?
Troy: The flowers, that was nice of you. Carter is going to enjoy that.
Me: They're from all three of us.
Troy: Oh, (laughing) that's going to take some of the enjoyment out of it for him.
Me: *pause* Why?
Troy: I just think Carter would enjoy getting flowers from you.
*awkward pause*
Me: Well, I don't know what to say to that, so I'm not going to say anything.

Now Troy and Doug are laughing.


  1. RFB said...

    What does GE NOT own now?

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