I Heart Doug

As I came in from lunch I heard a "pssst."

I look up and there's Doug looking at me through the bookcases. He then proceeds to tell me that there is a certain fellow with red hair in this office that likes to take jabs at me who is having his 40th birthday tomorrow. And he wanted to give me a heads up so I could get him back.

He then goes, "you didn't hear this from me."

I love it. If anyone has any ideas about what I can do, let me know.


  1. RFB said...

    Set up a blog for him at blogspot called redheadedrelic.blogspot.com

    Change the banner to an image of him, add the first post, something along the lines of "I feel so done. So over. So irrelevant. So uncool. I am going to go buy a convertible Miata and start wearing V-neck sweaters with no shirt underneath and gold chains."

  2. Thinking In Vain said...

    That's a great idea. LOL.

  3. Anonymous said...

    Excellent idea, Jetpacks! And then keep feeding that blog. I'm sure you could get some friends to chip in with fresh fictitious content.

  4. Thinking In Vain said...

    I'm going to go see if his employees are up to it.

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