Another of these possibly alien types, the Flatwoods Monster appears to be someone's hellish vision of a nun, mixed with alien effects budget of the final season of the original Star Treck. Standing 10 feet high, with bulging eyes, a heart shaped red face, and in a pleated green skirt, the Flatwoods Monster terrorized a group of preteens, who couldn't decide if it had short stubby claw arms or not, when later asked. It reportedly made a shrill hissing noise, and glided around. You know what else has a shrill hiss, heart shaped face, glides, and could easily be misconstrued by terrified 12 year olds? A barn owl. Oh, hey there Occam, how're you doing, and how's your razor?

I had never heard of the Flatwoods Monster before. You learn something new everyday. See the rest at


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