I Kinda Love This

The song is in my head. And Bear Grylls is in the Scottish Highlands and distracting me from working.


  1. RFB said...

    That was very well done and, dare I say it, heart-warming.

  2. Anonymous said...

    I love that! I want to see the Most Dangerous Catch guys sing that to camera next season.

  3. Nessa Happens said...

    You total bastard tell me you don't really like that idiot hack Bear Grylls????!!!!????

    ARGH. He sleeps in a hotel every night when he films Man vs. Wild. It's ridiculous!!!

    Les Stroud is the only true survivalist filming a survival show today!

    ah. I have really strong feelings about this. Sorry.

  4. Thinking In Vain said...

    @jetpacks: OMG, you said heart-warming. :p

    @everysandwich: Oooh, me too! LOL!

    @nessa: Um, I like the commercial. I usually just have The Discovery Channel or something like it on in the background when I work at home.

    I could honestly care less if he sleeps in hotel rooms.

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