
I am *ALMOST* finished editing photographs.

When I'm done they'll all be up on MySpace and Facebook. So if you're not my friend, what is wrong with you? ;) Come find me. :D

And I'll write everything up after that.

For the record. I smiled at the son-of-a-bitch before I could help myself. (Name the movie.) Really. We were walking down the street from the subway to the conference center Tuesday morning. The shoe-shine guy was sitting there (like he was the other mornings) and he was staring at me. So I looked at him and smiled. He then growled at me. This caught me and the co-worker I went with off-guard, she looked back and he then growled at her.

At lunch we passed him again as he walking down the street. He then started muttering at us that we were "chump broads." And walked off.

He was not a nice man.

Back to editing and watching The Andromeda Strain...


  1. RFB said...

    Steel Magnolias. (I cheated - thanks Google)

    Chump broads? That's pretty original.

  2. Anonymous said...

    "Chump broads" might sound original these days, but it sounds to me like something Rocky's original manager might have said -- or something from a 40's gangster film.

  3. Thinking In Vain said...

    LOL. Cheating is OK. ;)

    Yeah, we were like, what the hell does that mean? I googled it and only found one reference... but after some searching on slang dictionary site, I figured out he was calling us stupid.

    That'll teach me to smile at people.

  4. Joker said...

    Chump broads is actually shoeshine slang for beautiful woman with heightened artistic sensibilities and a weakness for cookies. It's often underused but quite the compliment especially in the day of acronym communication.

  5. Thinking In Vain said...

    LOL! :p

    Aw... thankses. :D

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