toothpaste for dinner

I think I hurt my arm. Specifically I think I pulled a muscle in my bicep. Basically because I'm an idiot - ow, it hurts to type - and because I have nothing else better to write about. Unless you want to hear about what I did last night or the stupid Lectric Shave commercial. That. They. Will. Not. Stop. Playing. It's so creepy too... "Wake up your whiskers!" Yeah, didn't think so...

Now you wouldn't think this would hurt my arm. I was carrying books. 4 books to be exact. Yeah, they're design books - but not the big ones. I cleaned off my bookcases and had extra books, so I figured I'd just bring them to work. They weren't that heavy when I left the house. It took me about 6 minutes to figure out how to get everything in my hands and out of the car. The parking attendant is staring at me the whole time - then I remembered why it was so difficult. I'd stopped for coffee (btw, the drive-thru has been around for like 60 years - how do people not know how these things work???? MOVE.)

Also, the walk to my office is a LOT longer than the one from my house to my car. I almost dropped the books when some random person honked and waved at me. I don't think I knew the person. Either way - if you see someone struggling like I was, how about we not honk at them when you're less than a foot away and scare the shit out of them.

Also, getting in a door with an arm full of books and a cup of coffee is a challenge as well. Next time, I will hopefully think this out a little more - but I can't guarantee that. I gotta take a break - my arm hurts.


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