I found it (scroll to the bottom). And on top of everything - they're proud enough of this to put it on their website.

Who thought this was a good idea?? I doubt I'm the only the that finds this degrading... and as Jetpacks put it on the previous post - reminiscent of date rape.

JC Penny Hypnotize Commercial


  1. Unknown said...

    Yes... look closely at the pendant... you're now forgetting what a horrible loser I am... you're forgetting about that time last Christmas when I tried to have sex with your sister... you now find the fact that I'm trying to hypnotize you with a shitty heart necklace that only costs $199 somehow endearing...

    Yes, it's degrading, but it's also ridiculously stupid. Oooh... $199 bucks... what a big spender.

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