How is this new? I think I was told years and years ago that most identical twins weren't exact "clones" because of genetic mutations. Or am I reading the article wrong?

I mean, I can roll my tongue, my sister can't. There are others. Those simple little recessive vs. dominant gene tests you do in 9th grade biology.

My sister and I were part of a twin study when we were little. We were always within 1/2 inch and a 1/2 pound of each other growing up and we're mirror images (I'm left-handed, she's right). I got birthday cards from them up until I moved out during college. So maybe I'm just smarter.


  1. czeltic girl said...

    I'm not a twin and this isn't even news to me. (Now if they found out identical twins didn't have the same DNA, I'd be surprised.) Every set of identical twins I know has some differences that would suggest some genetic differences.

    Ah, well. Scientists need more proof than the rest of us, I guess. They'll catch up. ;)

  2. Thinking In Vain said...

    Okay good. I didn't think I was imagining that.

    Ah, well. Scientists need more proof than the rest of us, I guess. They'll catch up. ;)

    Isn't that the truth.

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