Selling A Haunted TV

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HAUNTED TV - Toshiba TW40 40
HDTV television I am selling my 5 year old Toshiba HDTV because I am a college student who is unable to transport it to another school. It is rather large because its a projection and weighs about 100 pounds. It works fine, has a nice glossy screen and is in good condition.

There is one caveat that I must bring to the buyer's attention: This TV is almost certainly haunted by the spirit of a 1970's-era baptist pastor named Klent Kloom. He is harmless, but the buyer should be comfortable with cries of "HALLELUJIA"" (sic) at unearthly hours of night. I am unfamiliar with exorcism and cannot find a good reference on the internet. ...

But the best part the experts that the author of the article found to help with the haunted TV in the event that he couldn't sell it. He used Profnet, an online service that "connects reporters easily and quickly with expert sources at no charge."

Expert #1 Dali Wiederhoft, vice president of Estipona Group Advertising in Reno:

"Try wearing an aluminum foil beanie while watching the TV. It won't do much for the shouting minister, but it'll keep his head warm and it helps with reception."

Expert #2 self-described Baptist-in-recovery Neil Gussman of Philadelphia's Chemical Heritage Foundation:

"It is quite impossible to exorcise a Baptist preacher from a hallelujah-friendly venue. To get Kloom out of the TV, the new owner only has to play three consecutive French-language films and Kloom will find a stadium sound system to in-dwell."

Last and possibly best—expert #3 Brian Olson of Video Professor, Inc., a Colorado-based self-paced computer software tutorial company, i.e. a tech guy:

"Those old Toshibas are pretty big," he wrote. "Maybe a preacher is really inside the darn thing. He needs to open the back and check. If it is indeed haunted by a Baptist preacher, I'd donate it to a Baptist Church and take the tax deduction."

Article here.


  1. Joker said...

    Amen to all of that lol.

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