Well, Well...

Took me a while to get around to posting this.

Seems we've had a little mini-version of Boston. The local community college tried to do some guerrilla marketing to promote their design program (perhaps even better would be to graduate students who knew the difference between CMYK and RGB?, but I digress).

They have a website, a myspace page (who befriended me the first part of the week) and they created some bomb scares.

First off... really? Terrorists using bright pink boxes?

Secondly, the guys did a crappy execution with some packing tape. Guerrilla marketing doesn't need to be sloppy. Perhaps if the execution of the idea had been finessed they wouldn't have looked like home-made bombs to all these people. Other than that, it was a neat idea and I liked it.

I was still getting calls today about how my old agency had a bomb scare.

Me: Were they pink?
Them: Well, yes.
Me: Those aren't bombs.
Them: But they said on the news...
Me: Those weren't bombs.

(image gets bigger when you click it, also - their website has screen grabs of the now-seemingly-pulled previous articles.)


  1. RFB said...

    Virginia Western Community College is proving that not everyone should go on to higher education.

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