It's expensive

And kind of ugly... and it's definitely not a jetpack.

A US company have developed a car that can easily beat traffic jams - it can fly.

At the touch of a button the Transition from Terrafugia four-wheeled car extends a pair of wings either side of its main body.

Chief operating officer, Anna Mracek Dietrich, said: "It will take just a few seconds to transform and will be fully automated after the command is given in the cockpit. We're currently sold out for at least the first year, approaching the first two of production".

The Transition will use low-cost electronics and feature GPS and auto-pilot weather radar.

The prototype, which runs on super unleaded petrol, cruises at 120mph and lands at 65mph.

The estimated hourly fuel burn of four gallons equates to 30mpg in flight.

Terrafugia - which means escape from the earth - are selling for £74,000.

The company hopes the first car will be ready by next December.


  1. Anonymous said...

    It does look cool though.

  2. Thinking In Vain said...

    yeah, it does...

  3. Nessa Happens said...


    Also, I want one.

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