
Having a week-long vacation in two weeks makes one useless.

In other news, I received a message on my home phone (which I never check) on Friday from Enterprise informing me that Rockingham Group had called them and told them that Friday would be the last day they would pay for the rental car. I needed to return the car by midnight.

Oh hell no.

Of course by the time I get home Rockingham Group is closed as is my State Farm agent's office and the body shop. I called Rockingham Mutual and got some generic claims office, again, and left a message. I then called Enterprise and they told me not to worry about it since my car wasn't done.

So, I called the body shop this morning, they forgot to check the alignment and so my car should be done this afternoon. I called State Farm and my agent assured me that they would extend the rental car since my car isn't ready until this afternoon, but if I had a problem to let her know.

I then called Rockingham Group, got the voice mail of the woman I want to talk to and haven't heard a thing back since. I think this is the worst insurance company I've ever had to deal with, and I don't like dealing with the State Farm claims people. These people are worse. I can't wait for this to be over with.

Update: I FINALLY talked to her and the rental has been extended. Now I'm able to breathe normally again.


  1. Anonymous said...

    The way to lower blood pressure is through lowered expectations. Then in those rare instances when a service provider functions, it's like a religious experience.

  2. Thinking In Vain said...

    I usually have VERY low expectations... I guess I didn't think it would be *this* much of a hassle. That'll teach me.

    She still hasn't called back and I've called and left another message.

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