
So the lead story for today is that Norris Hall will begin to reopen as offices and laboratories, but no classes.

Now keep in mind - the VT tragedy is not on the front page of the paper everyday. It was for about a week and a half after the shootings, but unless it's some major new development it'll get a side column or be put in the Virginia section.

Now, I'm in our production area mocking up some collateral to send to a client when one of my bosses walks in, looks at the paper - and in the most exasperated voice you can imagine, throws her hands up, and goes "enough with the Virginia Tech stuff already!"

I felt that it was in my best interest to keep my mouth shut because telling her what I was thinking was probably not a good idea. I don't know what she looked at next, but not a minute later she says, "I thought Angelina and Brad weren't together anymore?"



  1. Anonymous said...

    I admire your self-discipline for holding your tongue, especially after the Brad and Angelina comment.

  2. Thinking In Vain said...

    Well, part self-discipline, part shock.


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