There was a dead snake in the road. I work in a little historic district house right outside of downtown... in my head there should not be snakes, nor dead snakes in the road.

That is for the country. I don't work in the country.

I'm sure I looked like an idiot walking the block from my car to the office. I was looking for snakes.

Let me explain my irrational fear of snakes. When I was four we lived on a horse farm, my father found a 6.5 ft black snake while I was with him. We lived in Maryland for a while when I was 6-ish, in the country, and the woods surrounding the house were full of snakes. When I was 8, I was walking with my sister around a garden filled with Cypress Trees and a black snake came within a foot of falling on me.

So yeah, I keep looking under my desk. Don't laugh at me.


  1. Anonymous said...

    I share the pain. I try to avoid the black bears where I live.

  2. James-H said...

    Be glad it aint brown recluse spiders. It's possible I got bit by one a few weeks back and a patch on my ass swelled up like a fist. Needed an antibiotic booster to get that to go away.

    Six-foot snake would fuck me up too. Keep your eyes open.

  3. Thinking In Vain said...

    My sister's neighbor just had a black bear on her porch, he was trying to eat their bird seed. Luckily, I don't have to worry too much about that. But I swear I saw a coyote the other day.

    I'm not a fan of spiders either. I'm glad it went away with an antibiotic though, I knew a woman who got bit by a black widow on her hand and two years later she's still in physical therapy for it.

    Luckily it's not time for the rattlesnakes and the snake I saw was a black snake - but their mouths are dirty and they can give nasty bites. I've started walking to the trash can with a flash light.

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