No Wonder

So some (okay, most) of my photographs with my new (refurbished) digital camera have come out fuzzy. And at first I thought it was the camera. And it was making me upset.

And before I tell you this, I'm going to say that if this had been a good old fashioned film camera I WOULD HAVE SEEN THIS. Yes, I would have.

There was a thumb print on my lens... which took up the entire lens. I'm not sure how it got there because I haven't touched it, but it was there.

When I look through the view finder on my manual cameras I can see exactly what my lens sees - fingerprints, scratches, dust, and everything and I can do something about it. And I think to look because there's a good size area to have that sort of thing happen. This thing is like a half an inch, how'd a fingerprint even get on it?

So yeah, hopefully my shots will be über sharp now. Well, as sharp as they can be.


  1. Anonymous said...

    Let's see some sans fingerprint. As you know, we bought our camera from the same supplier, though they're different cameras, and mine is also a refurb. I swear mine has a piece of something, lint or a hair inside the lens. Weirdly, and thankfully, I cannot see it in any of my shots, so I'm writing it off to, uh, character.

  2. Thinking In Vain said...

    I meant to take some this weekend - but cleaning off the dining room table overwhelmed me. ;p

    I'm hoping that was it and that the fingerprint was there all along - that or this camera has a very limited depth of field.

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