Vaulting Lizards

So I haven't gotten around to sitting down and reliving last Friday.

But I do have a picture. *lol*

This was a quick shot of one of the ads we had them do. 2 classes came twice (normally one period for writing and one for reading). So the first time I gave them my little presentation and we talked about ads I brought. The second time we had them do an ad.

They had to pick a verb and an animal and create an energy drink. That little copy up top reads, "more vitamins to keep you going."

Yeah, they see a lot of commercials.

On the down-side the majority of them thought it would be really cool to have ads on their buses.

Oh, and the Starburst guy was a real hit, I'm sure their other teachers LOVED me after that.

(Click for larger picture.)


  1. Anonymous said...

    Wow -- that buses thing fries my cranium, and not in a good way.

  2. RFB said...

    I feel vindicated in my love of Starburst orphan boy. I am pleased to know that my Middle School Humor Index (MSHI) is still functioning in line with the target market.

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