
I mowed the grass this weekend... actually the first time I've ever mowed the grass. I was having a bit of a problem staying straight, but I guess I'll get the hang of it eventually.

I also forgot to wear a mask so I'm having a hard time breathing despite the Advil.

I did it with the Reel Mower first, but it wasn't getting the straggly pieces so I had to pull out the electric one. I'll get the hang of it.

It's also freezing in here... I'm really not complaining... really. So hurray for 3-day weekend!!!!



  1. RFB said...

    I was having a bit of a problem staying straight.

    Yeah - hot day and beer will do that to you.

    Reel Mower not getting straggly pieces? Here's how a reel mower site addresses that problem.

    Grass is a living organism. It's not carpet! If you miss a few blades of grass and they're sticking up in the yard, move on. Keep going. You'll get them next week.

    In other words, "yeah - -we heard about this problem and don't have a fix for it -quit worrying about it."

  2. Thinking In Vain said...

    Yeah - hot day and beer will do that to you.

    Ha ha, I really wish that had been my problem.

    That site is awesome, although my problem fell better under: Reel mowers don't mow tall willowy weeds well.

  3. Anonymous said...

    I am so familiar with this drill, and the site Jetpacks points is right on the money when it says these mowers are for grass, not weeds. I have two answers to this short of escalating to an electric or gas mower. First, it's not so bad just bending over and pulling up the willowy scraggles. It shouldn't be much more work than the touch-you-toes warmup in the forgotten president's physical fitness test. The other option is the small scythe thing I bought. Not the grim reaper type, but the kind prison road crews use. You can get the Cool Hand Luke vibe going.

  4. Thinking In Vain said...

    Wellllll.... I would've just bent over but it wasn't really just a few little weeds.

    I kinda forgot to mow the side of my house for about 2.5 weeks and it was kind of overgrown.

    But I was hoping not to mention that.

    However, our weed eater (also electric) doesn't seem to be working so we are going to have to do that by hand...

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