Another Blonde Moment

I seem to have another, well, not-so-good reputation.

One of locking my keys in my car. With the ignition running.

It usually happens when someone in the car is trying to have a conversation with me or I'm on the phone. Usually the conversation is more interesting to me than getting my keys out of the ignition.

I think it's because I, for the most part, drive by myself. And I try to not talk on the phone when I drive. I hate it when an idiot in front of me can't drive and then I pass them and see they're on a cell phone. And I don't feel right getting irritated at them if I do it. So I try not to.

Well, I've now locked my keys in my car with it running twice now. And almost done it several more times. (By the way - you also can't talk to me when I try to parallel park. If I have silence you will be amazed at how well I do it. If you try to talk to me, it'll take me 10 minutes.)

So I went out to dinner last week with one of my best friends. He usually drives, but this time I did. When someone's in my car I put my purse in the backseat and when I got out of the car (with my keys) at the restaurant, I went to get it. He stood there with his door open. So this is the general gist of the conversation that followed:

Me: What are you doing?
Him: I'm not closing this door till you have your keys.
Me: I have my keys. They're in my hand. You can close the door.
Him: I'm not closing this door until you're completely out of the car and you shake your keys.
Me: I'm just getting my purse.
Him: And I'm not shutting the door.
Me: That isn't necessary, I've got my keys.
*Gives me a look like "yes it is."
Me: Fine. *rolls eyes*

So I shut the back door and shook my keys at him. If an action can drip with sarcasm, that one did. Even though I was laughing, because it was, in all honestly, very funny. So now I have to shake my keys when I'm totally out of the car and he will then shut his door.

I can't blame him though, who would want to get stuck in a restaurant's parking lot with your keys locked in the ignition?

My sister thinks it's a brilliant idea and has started making me do it too. But he wants all credit for the idea.

It's a good thing my insurance company reimburses me for having to call a locksmith. I hope there's not a cap on how many times I can use it in a year...


  1. Anonymous said...

    Insurance will reimburse that? Wow. Both my wife and son have done that in the last three months, and I had to call a locksmith.

    The jingle habit is a good one, and your friend deserves the credit for that functional bit of behavioral modification. Maybe you should buy him dinner if you think he's saved you a lockout.

  2. Thinking In Vain said...

    Yeah... it's niiiiice. I have State Farm and it's some type of emergency roadside reimbursement thing. I get reimbursed for towing too.

    I might just have to do that. :)

  3. Anonymous said...

    I am so excited about his dinner suggestion. Any suggestions on where I should have her take me? I'm thinking mexican...but I could always go for a nice home-cooked meal...who doesn't like that?

  4. Thinking In Vain said...

    As long as I don't catch the kitchen on fire, right?

  5. Unknown said...

    Emergency locksmiths are playing very important role. This afternoon, I committed the most stupid basic elementary error of any driver. I locked the car keys inside the car! And I didn’t realize it for almost an hour. And I called to locksmith company. They said that locksmith will come in 30-40 minutes. Locksmith came in time, checked my ID and opened car's door in 10 minutes.

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