So I needed toothpaste yesterday. I never seem to remember what toothpaste I use, so I end up buying a different one each time.

As I meandered down the isle, I ran into something and was completely startled by extremely loud bird chirping... I believe it would be a common sparrow singing. I know because I listened to about 20 different bird calls trying to figure out what was outside my window.

Seems Crest has a new toothpaste - Nature's Expressions. There is a display at knee-level on the second shelf from the bottom. There's a tube of toothpaste wrapped in a fake vine, which I nearly obliterated when I ran into it. And... a motion sensor thingy so when I walked by and ran into the toothpaste tube, birds started chirping at top volume.

Yeah, it caught my attention, but I also nearly broke it. And it scared the hell out of me because I started looking around for a trapped bird. I didn't buy it... I bought some Arm & Hammer toothpaste.

I think I need to start making lists.

I also needed gum and I couldn't find what I usually buy. All I know is what brand it was and what color the package was. I think they changed packaging on me, so I bought a flavor named Mint Mojito. The gum tastes more like Key Lime Pie. It's not bad - it's one of those things you keep eating to figure out if you like it or not... or in my case chew.


  1. Anonymous said...

    My kroger had a bird living in the store for a bout a month, in the produce section. I would have just attributed it to that if I'd run into that display.

  2. Thinking In Vain said...

    LOL, poor bird.

  3. Anonymous said...

    Did anyone else hear this bird? I wonder if you were getting a dose of this.

  4. Thinking In Vain said...

    oh. my. god. That was awesome.

    I was by myself... and the speaker for the bird was right next to the toothpaste tube. :p

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