Talking Animals

Usually all it takes for me to like a commercial is a talking animal. Really, I'm easy to please. I like the happy cow commercials, the beaver and the Slowskys. I even like the Gecko (girls really are suckers for an English accent), there's a radio spot where he's not really even talking about insurance – he's talking about Virginia ham. Maybe it's funny to me because he is talking about ham instead of insurance. Anyways.

These guys look fake and creep me out.

Via AdRants.


  1. RFB said...

    That had to be a real deal for the voiceover guy. I heard one here in Texas today where he's talking about "everything's bigger in Texas." And in FL, he talks about sunshine and happy people.

    50 states, 50 jobs for the Gecko voice. I'm jealous.

  2. Thinking In Vain said...

    I always wondered if other states had those.

    Now I know. :)

  3. Anonymous said...

    The word "ham" is inherently funny, I think. I don't know why. Same with "pants."
    "Hampants" can sometimes cause me to struggle for air.

  4. Thinking In Vain said...

    I hope there's an example for me of the use of "hampants."


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