
"If you're not hated, you're not doing your job."

Is that really always true? Or only true when you're working with 18 - 21 year-old college students?


  1. RFB said...

    I can only see three instances where that would apply: a drill instructor, fast food manager or football referee.

    There shoudl only be two schools of management: Pat on the Back or Kick in the Ass. The back patters get a lot more work out of their people.

  2. Thinking In Vain said...

    Well, then what would you do if you came into an organization/company that was doing everything against policy/procedure and you had to/were asked to fix it?

  3. RFB said...

    Pat 'em on the back and make 'em hate you.

  4. Thinking In Vain said...

    lol, I think I can manage that.

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