Tilt-Shift Videos

Stuxnet: Anatomy of a Computer Virus from Patrick Clair on Vimeo.

Kinetic type can be awful or amazing. This is amazing.



The Slowskys

Holy shit they're back. And they have a baby. I still maintain that a show about these turtles would have worked over cavemen any day.


Brand mascots + cryptozoology. There aren't a lot of things better. Some, but not a lot. More at Hudson Hongo's blog.



Leica Lenses

Because it's so easy to get wrong – and it's beautiful when done right. Plus I'm one of those people that always intends to cook/bake/entertain... and I have a tendency to throw my ingrediants into google and see what I can come up with.

This is like someone answered a prayer I didn't know I had.

You have to sign up, but I'm thinking already it's worth it: Gojee.


I think we should all go outside this weekend, sit in the sun and have an icee pop (which is what we called them).

Photos are it didn't happen. ;)


Virtual Sandbox

Project Mimicry from Monobanda on Vimeo.

Now no sand in your bathing suit! :)


Mustache Brush


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