
Great post on the new Applebee's commercials. When my sister first saw it she looks at me and goes, "Is that a... talking apple?"


  1. Joker said...

    Great post and I agree, them ads sucketh. Left a comment there but going to copy here for your enjoyment.

    "Well I'd personally enjoy if the Apple suddenly got all nasty and said, "Lick my apple sauce bitch!" but since that won't happen I must join the throng of people who really think the adverts sucks."

    Commented a bit more on the post it or don't post it vids. But hey, I think it's pretty unanymous, an apple a day just annoys the shit out of us.

  2. Thinking In Vain said...

    LOL. I can't wait to tell my sister to "lick my apple sauce bitch" next time we're in a fight.

    I hate the way the thing moves. It's like the apple has restless leg syndrome.

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