Outrageous Pricing

So my sister gets every possible magazine known to man. I think it happened when we moved and she filled out this little form that the post office gave her to forward magazines.

Or when she decided to sign up to the Pottery Barn mailing list.

Anyways, she now gets Robert Redford's Sundance Catalog and I was looking through it last night.

And on the first page - a Holga for $75!! Even B&H only has them for about $40. Damn people for making this great little camera a novelty item, I got mine for $12.

I do love mine though. That said, I hope their little "book with instructions" mentions black electrical tape to keep the back from leaking light.

Oh and further into the catalog - a pack of 4 Cheerwines for $25, before shipping. Just call me, I'll get you some for like $0.89.


  1. Unknown said...

    Do I get a moon pie with my Cheerwine???

  2. Thinking In Vain said...

    You can have anything you want. :p

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