Damn I'm Not Even That Shy

I know, it's hard to imagine me shy. Right, anyways, stop laughing (I am really painfully shy). It was all we could do to get this kid to answer our questions. His dad was a friend of the boss so he actually did most of the talking.

He had just graduated from a local high school, he liked to draw but had never used a computer for anything but email and the internet (from what I could tell). He's going to Northern Arizona and has enrolled in their graphic design course/major. He showed me his sketchbook and laughed nervously... a lot.

That's all I know. I actually don't think he wanted an internship, he just wanted to know what he could do with a graphic design major.

So there you go. On another note, I don't know why my boss is always so shocked when she finds out, again, that I majored in photography and not design.

UPDATE: Wrong kid. There's another one who's coming for an interview about an internship - he is still in highschool.


  1. Anonymous said...

    He didn't want an internship but only wanted to know what he could do with graphic design major?

    Seems to me an internship would be a convenient way to get a handle on that.

    What happened to curiosity? Must be in the sofa cushions.

  2. Thinking In Vain said...

    Yeah. I think his dad was the one suggesting the internship.

    I don't know why he couldn't have come in one day a week and let me order him around. ;)

    It was like this at the portfolio review that we had, some people paid and just didn't show up - I didn't understand missing an opportunity like that.

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