Yard Work

So I know that at least 2 people that read my blog know their way around a yard - and I'm hoping any random people happening upon this page do to.

I need help. My yard isn't pretty. And every other yard in my neighborhood is. They all have lush green grass - one guy just killed all his and put down sod. Short of doing that I need to get rid of dandelions and crab grass. I think the clover could stay (if it's possible to pick and choose), the rabbits like it - course they also like my pansies and my dahlias.

I'd preferably like a fix that's not poisonous to everything else - something natural. I think my main goal is to get rid of dandelions and make my grass greener.

In other news, my porch is getting painted. It's looking very nice. We just need to replace part of the screen - the nasty wind we've been having blew porch items into it and ripped it.

(Oh my leg has stopped twitching... for now.)


  1. Anonymous said...

    You must make friends with your pre-emergent solutions before the weeds emerge, though I'm sure there's nothing natural about it. However, I think it works not as a poison but as a barrier of some kind. Then you can get a little handheld spreader and some turfbuilder II. And of course, you must try to Rocket Weeder. It's more fun than bubblewrap.

  2. Thinking In Vain said...

    Ah... so I need something for weeds and then turfbuilder? I'm going to have fun this weekend.

    I want this Rocket Weeder - funny you should mention bubble wrap. A client send me some CDs in bubble wrap and I've been having fun with it.

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